Junior Legion Baseball Coach Announcement
The Moscow American Legion baseball program has named Scott Linja as the B League head coach for the 2021 season. Linja, an engineer from...

Updated Schedule
July 21st games added with Pullman

Updated Schedule
The June 16th rain out has been rescheduled to July 23rd. Go Blue Devils!

June 13th Rainout Rescheduled
Here's the updated schedule. Today's games (June 16th) are rained out. We are working on a reschedule for that doubleheader.

Updated Schedule
We have had a few updates to the schedule. Note: be sure to always check the link at the bottom of the schedule for the most current...

2020 Blue Devils
Announcing this year's players
Time to Pre-Register
Time to pre-register. You must pre-register by May 14th in order to attend tryouts. You will then be contacted by May 16th with a May...