2019 Blue Devil Schedule
Go Blue Devils!

Announcing the 2019 Blue Devils
Senior Legion Team
Player-Parent Meeting, May 5th
When: May 5th, 7pm Where: Post #6 American Legion cabin, 317 Howard Street Attendees: Blue Devil players, parents and coaches Learn about...

Team Store Now Open - Closes May 8th
Need some Blue Devil gear? Click on the attached flyer to place your order by May 8th. Orders should arrive by the first week in June.

Reminder: Tryouts April 14th
We have been moved to Playfield C Requirements: minors must bring a signed WSU youth risk and release form, no metal cleats, no food or...

Moscow Blue Devil Tryouts
Directions to the field: Turn onto Valley Road off of Stadium Way Requirement: minors must bring a signed WSU youth risk and release...

2019 Moscow Blue Devils Gun Raffle
Tickets on sale now! To purchase call or text 208-596-3294